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  5. Creating Quotes

Creating Quotes

This tutorial will show you the process of creating quotes for your customers.

1. Log in to your RepCloud portal and select the New Purchase Order tab from the menu.

2. Choose “Quote” as the order status option in the drop down menu.

3. Search for a customer by buyer name, company name or email. Once selected, the billing information from their account will populate.

*If you are shipping to an address other than the billing, you can select “ship to a different address” to either enter one manually or pull up a saved alternate address from customers account.

4. Search for products by name or SKU. If the customer has discounts selected for their account, these will be applied automatically. You can also manually edit all prices before the quote is submitted.

5. Optionally add an extra percentage or flat dollar amount discount to the entire quote by clicking on “Add Discount”. You can also change the shipping method as needed.

5. Complete the optional “Purchase Order Number” (enter a relevant quote name/number) and “Customer Provided Notes” areas. If you do not provide a quote name, the system will create one using the format of 111111-XX-1111 (date-first&last initial-random order number).

6. Hit the “Create Order” button… you’ve created a quote!

7. Next, hit the “View Order” button to be taken to it’s edit page, and choose “Email PO / Order details to customer” in the order actions drop down menu. Click the arrow OR the “update” button to send the customer the quote by email for approval.

7. The customer is sent an email containing the quote information as well as a link to approve the quote, and turn it in to a purchase order. An email would then be sent

8. Once approved by the customer, an email is sent to the admin address on file with RepCloud informing you of a new purchase order that is waiting to be processed. Just find it in your orders tab (it will show as “On Hold”), and click the “Processing” action to email the final PDF as usual.

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