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  5. Importing Products in Bulk

Importing Products in Bulk

Here, we’ll discuss how to import your products in bulk using a CSV file.

1. Log in to your RepCloud portal and select the Import Products CSV tab from the Admin menu (only available for sales managers by default).

2. Upload your CSV file and begin to match each column to it’s appropriate field. If you use the header names on our provided template, they map automatically.

Some things to consider:

  • The file must be .CSV format. If you are using a standard excel document .XLS, choose ‘save as’ and CSV as file type).
  • Dollar amounts must be in plain number format (without using a “$” symbol)
  • Minimum required fields to import a new product include SKU, Title, & Price
  • If updating existing products, make sure to click the checkbox and only map the fields you wish to be updated. SKU us the only required field to match products to be updated.

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