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  5. View All Contacts

View All Contacts

When you click View All Contacts, you will be redirected to the Contacts dashboard.

You will find all your contacts listed here. This page gives you some important details beside the contact name, such as:

  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Life Stage
  • Contact Owner
  • Date Created

Managing Your Contacts

You can manage your contacts from this page. If you hover over a contact, you will get few options such as edit, view and delete. Clicking on the edit options lets you edit your contact and the delete option deletes it.

You can also use the search bar to look for any contact you want. There is a Search Segment option that lets you use different conditions to create saved searches.

You can also click on the view button to get details of your contact. This is how the detailed contact page looks like. It holds all the information that you collect in an organized manner. You can add notes, schedule activities and also tasks. You can read this doc for more details.

There is a timeline wise activity log that shows your interaction with that specific contact. If you add the contact to a specific contact group, you will find it at the bottom of this page.

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